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Lead, Achieve, Succeed.


About - Who I am


I am Samy Strola, expert consultant in Research & Innovation European projects.


Passionate about technological innovation, I accompanied numerous R&D projects over the past 15 years aimed at developing and implementing disruptive products and strategies.


Former Researcher in Physics, I worked in public and private organizations in Italy, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and France. My responsibilities progressively evolved towards project management and coordination, with focus on the technological innovation themes (healthcare, green deal, IoT, hydrogen storage solutions, preventive conservation and cultural heritage, data management tools, industry 4.0, circular economy).


Since April 2022, I joined LGi Sustainable Innovation as Senior Project Manager. I am involved in Innovation Funding & Grant Writing and in Management of International Projects and Consortia.

In parallel, I operate as Independent Expert Consultant in Research & Innovation Projects.

Moreover, I am Scientific Expert for the Industrial Competitive Research and Social Development at MIUR Italy, Scientific Evaluator for several EU and National calls (AAL 2021 - Active Assisted Living Programme, EIT Manufacturing Call 2022), Reviewer for Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, The Journal of Biomedical Optics, Royal Society of Chemistry Advances, Scientific Reports Nature Publishing Group.

Curious by nature and thirsty for knowledge, I will be glad to help you.

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Services - How I can help you


Grant Co-Writing
To write an excellent project proposal requires a solid methodology that should be in-line with objectives, ambitions and challenges demanded by the grant programme. 
I will drive you on the deployment of this methodology to ensure the high-quality level of your final proposal, ready for the submission.
I have recognized successful experience on H2020 / Horizon Europe / EIC, EIT, LIFE and Penta Eureka programmes. 


Project Management
The management of a funded project demands a lot of daily efforts for the whole duration of the project.
Some specific documents are demanded: the Project Management Plan, the Handbook, the Data Management Plan, the Risk Management Plan, the Management of the Intellectual Property, the Dissemination&Communication Plan, the Exploitation Plan, the Periodic Reports and more and more. 
Thanks to a recognized experience I acquired, I will support you on the writing of these documents by ensuring the quality expected by the funding programme.


Project Feasibility
I propose services at the intersection of technology, innovation and business with the objective to realize the client’s vision and need. 
I am expert in accelerating performance and achieving high-impact outcomes through winning methodology across the entire project lifecycle.
To reach these objectives, 3 steps are proposed:
1/ Diagnostic and design ("Fit to call"): I always start with people and I take a human-centered approach to define an optimized roadmap based on observation, learning, and immersion that can fit for my clients.
2/ Development and validation ("Idea crash test"): I untangle the project complexity to develop flexible solutions that scale with business needs by focusing on a 360-degree approach. 
3/ Optimization and delivery: this last step connects the analysis phase to the implementation. I ensure to go beyond the solution launch to seek out continuous improvement through the analytics of the solution.

Valorisation of project results
The project dissemination and exploitation is a crucial phase of your project because it measures the real impact of results obtained paving the way for their implementation.
Impacts can be: scientific (e.g. publications and communications) and pedagogical (e.g. PhD thesis, trainings) in order to increase the knowledge and skills, or technological (e.g. patents, commercialization), social (e.g. quality of life), economic (e.g. new method of manufacturing), sustainability (short and long term effects after the end of the project).
Many European projects seem to be missing a good valorisation strategy: in this context, I will provide a support to drive your project into a successful and compete valorisation strategy. So far, I will help you in to use and implement tools adopted by the European Commission, as the Horizon Results Booster (HRB), the Innovation Radar (IR), the Key Exploitable Results (KER) identification and analysis, the OpenAIRE and FAIR data management.


Testimonials - What people say

“Samy supported us to formalize a large-scale collaborative project for a very competitive funding request. Although not an expert in the field, he very quickly understood the subject and the associated issues. His advice and suggestions, expressed orally during the preparation meetings, or in writing during the proofreading phases, have always been relevant. He was available and responsive and through his critical reading and advices contributed to significantly improving the quality of the final document.”

Pierre Ray, Pr. Dr. at Grenoble Alpes Hospital Centre

“We greatly appreciated the investment and the seriousness of Samy’s work in our CEA projects: his scientific, interpersonal and management skills make him quickly an indispensable pivot for the progress of the partners' work, including a big project with more than 15 European partners.”

Project Coordinators at CEA Saclay and Grenoble

“Samy is professional, reactive and committed. He coordinated the setup of a complex European project, and produced high quality contents, in a context of very short-term deadlines. He largely contributed to obtaining a significant European grant.”

Cécile Herbetreau-Delale, PhD; Head of R&D at Fab'entech

“I had the pleasure to be part of a H2020 project in which Samy acted as support to the coordinator. Samy contribution was very valuable with a proactive attitude in managing deadlines (periodic reporting and deliverable) and any identified criticises; all this provided to the partners a good working environment that allowed them to focus on their R&D activities. Furthermore, Samy provided a significant help to the consortium in the identification of the exploitable results and in kick starting associated business plan.”

Valerio Beni, PhD; Senior Scientist at RISE, Research Institutes of Sweden AB

“The SensMat project is complex both technically and in terms of consortium management. Partners have completely different technical cultures, which makes communication difficult. S. Strola knew how to maintain the links between the partners while ensuring the good conduct of the objectives of each Work Package. His help was invaluable in producing high-level deliverables and carrying out dissemination actions.”

Stéphane Hury, Innovation Program Manager at Bassetti

“I had the pleasure of working with Samy Strola in the framework of a Research & Innovation European project with a large and multidisciplinary partnership. I was impressed by his speed of action, efficiency, capability to deal with complexities, be process focused and result oriented. I witnessed his excellent project management skills and I would not hesitate to involve him in my next grant proposal writing. Working with him means maximizing the success rate of a project.”

Donatella Puglisi, Senior Lecturer at Linköping University (SAS/IFM)


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